Glass outdoor fountains can come with solid basins and a glass background in which you can sometimes choose the color that fits your home best. The simple design is identical with the indoor pieces. The water flows smoothly over the glass and lands into the basin. The material used in outside units is designed to be stronger to withstand mother nature.
Our company is dedicated to the safety of our customers. We inspect every one of our units to make sure they meet the highest safety standards. It’s important to be aware of the area were your fountain is set up to ensure the area is as safe as possible. Once you purchase one of our modern water features, the quality we provide will become evident as you enjoy years of use from your fountain.
Creating durable designs is a main focus for the Soothing Company. As a provider, we only distribute the highest quality pieces. We have all types of finishes to match your outdoor living space. The units we offer come in shapes, sizes, and styles that you are looking for. No matter what décor you have, the Soothing Company will have a piece to match your personalized setup. Our company is committed to excellence to ensure our customer get their money’s worth and their features withstand the test of time.
Like the glass background, the mirror surface is also a popular option. This surface material will provide beautiful reflections where normal glass backgrounds won't. You can enjoy this in your outdoor living space with no installation required. Our catalog includes mirror fountains that vary in size and style to suit your needs.
There are many pieces that come custom to fit and the fountain market has exploded with classical and modern designs. Customs fountains can add a personalized touch in your outdoor décor. The background itself can be its own design making this piece flashier and more impressive for your guests.
Etched designs come with amazing graphics etched in the background glass. The glass used for the units are different and the background is blurred to showcase the graphics. The choices are endless from bamboo to birds flying. The styles are available in different basins like the mirror and glass fountains.
The blurred glass is the same used for graphics but is equally as intriguing all by itself. It’s a style that goes great with our stainless-steel setup and the options are endless. Add an LED light to make your fountain entertaining 24-hours a day. The blurred lights provide an illuminating display in the background of outdoor glass fountain. The flow of water over blurred glass will mesmerize all those who view. A masterpiece for your outdoor living spaces.
The lighting design is a popular option. These stunning features are truly astounding and thanks to low energy LED units that are now available, you won’t have to deal with a spike in your electric bills to enjoy your fountain. The piece looks mesmerizing in the dark. Best of all customer rave about the low light setting that adds a relaxed element to the environment. LED lights have a long service life and can run for 24 hours a day.
Glass outdoor fountains are going the way of their indoor fountain counterpart, increasing in popularity. Our company has the outdoor piece you’re looking for and our professional staff will guide you through the catalog to ensure your matched up with the piece that’s perfect for you. Contact the Soothing Company today and start the process to receive your glass outdoor fountain.